What is the Freshman Leadership Council?
Our Council
- Each year, we accept a diverse council of around 50 freshmen who demonstrate qualities that align with our organization’s values and goals. Potential council members submit a written application and participate in both a group and individual interview designed to help our Director Team better understand each applicant.
Wednesday Meetings
- Once our council is established, we host weekly Wednesday meetings, each centered around a different aspect of professional and personal development in a university setting. At our meetings we are instructed by a sundry cast of guest speakers, ranging from CEOs, professors, local business owners, to political leaders. To establish an environment of professionalism and respect, our council arrives in business casual attire and is encouraged to participate in the presentation and sponsor collaboration amongst themselves to elevate their experience. Our overall goal for each meeting is to have our council leave with both new perspectives and meaningful connections.
- Throughout the course of each semester, our council is split up into three groups, where, with the guidance of a Programming Director, each group works together to organize and host an event with the focus of strengthening FLC’s ties to the greater Gainesville and University of Florida community. Previous programming events have included a charitable 5k run, a multicultural talent show, and a youth leadership summit to just name a few.
- As a way to promote bonding amongst our council outside of a professional context, we host several socials throughout the year. Whether we are celebrating the winter holidays with our annual Holiday Party, grabbing a seat on a blanket in the Plaza of the Americas to catch up, attending Fall or Spring retreat, or stopping by El Indio after a Wednesday meeting, socials are sure to bring the council together in ways intended to prolong relationships even after their time in FLC passes.
Mentor-Mentee Program
- Undoubtedly, one of the highlights of a council member’s time in FLC is being paired with their mentor. Through attending mentor/mentee socials and getting to know the FLC alumni community, our council is introduced to a large pool of potential mentors excited to guide their mentee through all things college life related & professional development. The bond a council member will make with their mentor is one that will follow them through their time at UF and even off campus.
- Every year, FLC looks forward to giving a select cast of council members the chance to present their knowledge on an issue they are passionate about through TEDxFLC. Occurring each spring, council members will have the opportunity to listen and learn as their fellow peers take the time to walk them through a presentation created from their background surrounding their chosen topic. This tradition is one largely anticipated each year, as council members often leave TEDxFLC meetings remembering the unique and impactful presentations they heard.
FLC & The Bob Graham Center for Public Service
- Since 2020, FLC has tended to its roots firmly planted with the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. With the support of the Bob Graham Center, FLC has been able to sponsor various workshops, socials, and programming events that all aid in our organization’s overall development. Pugh Hall, where the Center is located, is often the host of our organizations most loved traditions and events.